What is the secret behind the highest IVF success rates in Unica?
Many infertility fighting couples visit Unica clinics every year. There are numerous reasons why they choose us; premium medical care, experienced staff speaking seven languages, and a convenient location in central Europe. But the main reason is always the same for all of our patients, the long-term highest success rate of IVF treatments.
The main difference between Unica and other IVF clinics is the highly individualized treatment we offer to our patients. Thanks to the state-of-art clinic and hi-tech IVF lab, we have the chance to provide the latest methods of IVF care. But it's our medical experts, IVF specialists and embryologists who put together the successful treatment plan. They see every patient as an individual, every couple as a unique case and treat them accordingly. As the first clinic in the Czech Republic, we've incorporated the holistic approach into infertility treatment. We've put together a selection of natural therapies that help with conception by itself or support the IVF cycle to achieve even better results. That's why many holistic medicine specialists became part of our team. Nowadays, you can meet a psychologist, acupuncturist, nutritionist, physiotherapist or reproductive yoga teacher in Unica clinics.
Thanks to the unique connection of down-to-date IVF techniques and holistic care, Unica clinics specialize in treating complicated infertility cases. Every day we do our best to fulfil couples' wishes and bring them the desired baby. Our sophisticated treatment works even for couples who have completed several unsuccessful cycles at other clinics with minimal hope for future success.
Do you finally want to stop fighting infertility and win once and for all? Don't hesitate to contact the Unica treatment coordinators. Together we will build a treatment plan that will make your wish come true.
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