Genetic and Epigenetic


Genetic and Epigenetic 

Interview with Dr Spies, medical director of Vida Fertility

Before we dive into Epigenetics, can you explain genetics and their role/importance in the human body?

The function of our body is determined by the information stored in our genes. Genes provide instructions to cells on how to work and express various functions. The sequence of gene arrangements, known as the genetic code, is 99.9% identical in all humans, differing by only 1-3 bases between individuals. These slight differences have a significant impact, making each person unique.

You can’t change your inherited genes, can you?

While you can't change the sequence of the genes you inherit, you can modify how these genes are expressed and function through epigenetics.

Can you explain in simple terms what Epigenetics mean?

Epigenetics means "on top of genetics" and describes how the activity of DNA can be modified without altering the DNA sequence. It changes how genetic information is interpreted and expressed. Epigenetic changes, or epigenetic marks, can occur in individuals and may also be passed on to future generations. Think of epigenetics as accents that change the meaning of words.

What is the connection between Epigenetics and fertility?

Many epigenetic changes can influence male and female fertility. Most are related to environmental factors like diet, alcohol consumption, drug use, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and endocrine disruptors such as insulin resistance, thyroid function alterations, and hormone imbalances. The good news is that these factors can often be reversed by adopting a healthy lifestyle and managing hormone levels, positively impacting fertility.

Can you talk to us about the connection between Epigenetics and mothers pregnant with a donor egg? 

In egg donation treatments, the genetic sequence comes from the egg donor and the male partner/sperm donor, meaning the mother doesn't contribute her genetic sequence directly. However, the mother's behavior during pregnancy, such as her diet, stress levels, and exposure to toxins, can produce epigenetic changes that influence how the baby's genes are expressed after birth.

Does stress affect epigenetics?

Many epigenetic changes are due to environmental factors like nutrition, air quality, alcohol or drug use, and stress exposure. Animal studies have shown that prolonged stress in newborns can lead to depressive symptoms in adulthood. While there's limited evidence on the exact impact of stress on epigenetics, it is believed to play a significant role in inducing long-lasting changes in gene expression.


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Vida Fertility Institute
