Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (abortus habitualis)


Approximately 15% of women of reproductive age face early miscarriages (within the first trimester). Usually these pregnancies occur naturally, but then pregnancy terminates at weeks 5 to 8.

What are the reasons for early miscarriages?

Most common causes of pregnancy loss in the first trimester (until week 12 of pregnancy) are most often associated with genetic problems of the embryo:

·         spontaneous foetal chromosome abnormalities;

·         chromosome abnormalities in the foetus in the event of a changed parental karyotype (translocations).

Therefore, it is important to focus on the genetic health of partners, to exclude possible gene pathology. After establishing the diagnosis, it is mandatory to determine whether it is appropriate for this couple to risk again and try to get pregnant naturally, or should they turn to new methods that make it possible to find out the genetic health of the expected child before embryo transfer (Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy, PGT-A). Such testing makes it possible to perform simultaneous testing of the entire set of chromosomes of an embryo on the day 5 of development by NGS method (Next generation sequencing). Currently, the iVF Riga Genetics Centre is the only one in the Baltic States where it is possible to perform on-site embryo preimplantation genetic testing (PGT-A and PGT-M).

Another cause of abortus habitualis is related to blood clotting disorders (coagulopathy). They are diverse – congenital and acquired, so it is necessary to understand this issue in detail.

And of course, a very significant problem in the modern world is immunological disorders, which can also occur at a young age. There is a whole list of immunological problems that today it is possible not only to diagnose, but also to cure.

There are many other factors that can lead to pregnancy loss. These are endocrine disorders (insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, hyperandrogenism), intrauterine pathology, and infections. Examinations should be performed to determine these causes, and the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment based on the results of the examinations.

It should be understood that the risk of a new miscarriage increases with each case of pregnancy loss. And if there are repeated cases of pregnancy loss in a family, as well as if the pregnancy spontaneously terminates or does not occur even after IVF cycles (Failed implantation), it is necessary to understand why this happens, using all the possibilities provided by medicine and science.

and also if the pregnancy spontaneously terminates or does not occur even after IVF cycles

and even if pregnancy spontaneously losses or does not occur even after IVF cycles (Failed implantation),

One of these possibilities is Genetic testing of missed abortion material, which performs iVF Riga Genetics Centre Lab for patients faced with miscarriage in the first trimester (until week 12). Genetic testing of missed abortion material is the analysis of all chromosomes of the foetus (embryo) performed using the NGS method (Next Generation Sequencing). This testing allows detecting chromosome rearrangements in autosomes 1-22 and in the X and Y sex chromosomes. This method clearly tells whether a miscarriage has been caused by a foetal chromosomal abnormality. The test results can help patients identify the cause of a pregnancy loss and map a strategy for successful conception and pregnancy.

In our clinic iVF Riga, reproductive specialists, gynaecologists, andrologists work closely with geneticists, endocrinologists and other specialists to find the causes of health problems, develop and apply the correct course of treatment for patients.


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