The embryoscope: what it is and how it works
If you are not a doctor or a medical expert, it can be difficult to navigate through the many fertility-specific terms, especially when they refer to technical methods. With this article we want to help you in understanding one of these terms: embryoscope.
What is an embryoscope?
The embryoscope is an incubator that allows a non-stop view of embryos in real time. It consists of a camera capable of capturing images every 10 minutes during the entire embryonic development for the in vitro embryos. It allows doctors to see changes in the embryos in real time, which would go unnoticed using a regular incubator.
The embryoscope is really beneficial because, with respect to normal incubators, it allows evaluation to be carried out at specific times. The embryoscope automatically takes images every 10 minutes without removing the embryos from the incubator, unlike a normal incubator.
How does embryoskop work?
As for the mechanism, the embryos generated during an IVF will be deposited in the incubator for 3-5 days during which they will develop. The embryoscope enables the embryos to develop as if they were in the fallopian tube, copying all the conditions surrounding it. Then, the embryoscope selects viable embryos that can either be directly transferred or frozen for future attempts.
The embryoscope selects good quality embryos by looking at their morphology (cell size, symmetry, cell number, or cell fragmentation). From fertilization to transfer, we can observe these characteristics. We can also add mandatory observations like the adequate speed of development and the correct chronology of embryo development. Embryoscope is a helpful technique for those going through an IVF treatment, and even more suitable when a large number of embryos is selected.
Doctors and coordinators at Unica are there to give you information and advice about how the embryoscope could help you in fulfilling your dream of a healthy baby.
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