Help after unsuccessful IVF cycles (Failed implantation)


Dr. Med. Violeta Fodina, iVF Riga Holding CEO, reproductive specialist, gynaecologist – obstetrician:

- Failed implantation is probably the most terrible diagnosis in reproductive medicine. Many people face this problem. Even after IVF cycles with allegedly morphologically high-quality embryos, they do not get pregnant.

What are the reasons for implantation failure?

The first reason is the incompetence of the embryo. To prove the viability of an embryo, it is necessary not only to grow it and evaluate its morphological and kinetic qualities. Genetics play a key role in embryo selection. Genetics, using the PGT-A technique, can provide a clear answer about the euploidy of a particular embryo. However, if there is no clear answer (mosaic embryos, in which some of the cells have changes, and some of the cells do not), to decide whether this embryo can be used, the opinion of a clinical geneticist is important, which can indicate in detail all the possible risks.

The second reason is different female uterine pathologies. They may be associated with organic changes (polyps, adhesions, septa). But most often these are deeper changes in the endometrium, which are well diagnosed, and most importantly, treatable at the present stage of the development of medicine.

The third reason is the immunological aspect (so-called immunological infertility). This is a new direction in medicine, which is developing very rapidly. It should be noted that all methods and diagnostics in this direction have evidence-based data that allows not only to accurately diagnose, but also to eliminate this cause with certain types of treatment.

Factors such as coagulopathy should also not be forgotten. This is a whole area for potential changes that are also well diagnosed and treated.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize: if you are faced with failed implantation after IVF cycles, I strongly recommend not to follow the path of multiple repetitions of this treatment, as it usually does not lead to anything. You need to stop and contact a specialist who deals with this problem, determine the cause of failed implantation - and then move forward.


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IVF Riga
