What is poor ovarian response or premature ovarian failure?


This is a major problem faced by women not only aged 35 and over, in some cases younger women are also experiencing this condition.

What are the causes of premature ovarian failure?

Several causes of premature ovarian failure are known. Therefore, if you are faced with this problem, you first need to determine the cause. The causes can be genetic (associated with genetic predispositions), hormonal, associated with previous operations, post-traumatic (post-operative). And for each cause, there are diagnostic methods and methods of treatment. The iVF Riga clinic has developed a comprehensive examination for this group of patients. After establishing the diagnosis, our specialists will be able to offer the right solution to this problem.

So what exactly is premature ovarian failure? Just a small number of follicles seen on ultrasound, or something more? In order to determine the diagnosis, the Bologna criteria are usually used, which include 3 indicators:

1. Antral follicle count (AFC) – the number of follicles from 5 to 7 mm that the doctor can see during an ultrasound. The norm is 5 to 7 follicles per ovary. If this number is less, the question of premature ovarian failure arises.

2. AMH (Anti-Müllerian hormone). The normal level of AMH is 0.4 – 4.0 ng/ml. If AMH is lower than normal – this diagnosis is suspected.

3. FSH – a hormone that stimulates the growth of follicles. Premature ovarian failure can be considered if FSH > 12 mIU/ml.

Examination and treatment options

There are many other factors that ultimately affect the number of oocytes obtained during IVF. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo examinations to determine the cause of a poor ovarian response, and the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment based on the results of these examinations.

Anyway, if you are faced with poor ovarian response – be sure: iVF Riga Clinic can help! We have our own tactic in treatment patients with poor response; individual treatment plans for each patient are developed and applied, and we have achieved very good results. So don't hesitate to contact us! 


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IVF Riga
